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Preventing Flea, Tick and Heartworm Infestations

 Preventing Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Infestations

If you have a pet you should know it’s highly recommended to begin a course of regular flea, tick, and heartworm treatments that will last throughout their life.

Prevention is definitely better than cure when managing these types of pests. Your vet will be able to recommend which treatments you should use and how often they should be applied.

Kittens and puppies should be wormed more often than adult cats and dogs

If you have just brought a kitten or puppy home, it is important to find out when they were last wormed. Your vet will be able to supply you with the appropriate treatments and when to give them to your pet.

Once they have had their initial two or three courses, they should be wormed every month until they reach six months in age. Every three months is usually sufficient after that, but again, speak to your vet. It could be dependent on the product you are using.

Preventing Flea, Tick and Heartworm Infestations

What about cheap flea and tick products?

Getting treatments from your vet will be pricier than buying ones from your local store. However, many of the more common and cheaper ‘solutions’ can be less effective in many cases. As such, you could be wasting your money, so do take the time with your research.

How can you deal with a flea infestation in your home?

If you’ve been unlucky, or you haven’t been treating your pet, you could find yourself with a flea infestation in your home. You may not actually see the fleas but you’ll know they’re there. You might experience bites around your ankles as they try feeding on you – they’re not terribly discerning and they won’t just bite your pet!

Tip: Stand your dog or cat on a white piece of paper, then groom them normally. Ensure the paper collects any residual hair or dust. If you notice any ‘black spots on the paper, spray these with water. If these black spots turn red, they are likely to be flea droppings.

If you do have fleas, you will need to treat your animal and your home to get rid of them. Ask your vet about a solution that will treat your property and kill all the fleas and eggs that are there. Wash your animal’s bedding (on a hot wash), and all your bedding as well. Anything you think might have been affected… wash it.

If in doubt, get advice from your vet

This is the one rule you should never forget. They will be able to tell you which flea, tick, and worming products to get to provide the best all-around coverage to help prevent infestations from taking hold.

In the end, if you keep your regular treatments going your pet shouldn’t be affected by any of these preventable nasties. Make sure you make a note in the calendar to ensure you know exactly when to give your pet their next treatment to help prevent fleas, ticks, and worms from causing any problems.
