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Steps to Make goat house farm Easily

Goats In addition to being close to humans, being intelligent and loving, goats help maintain the garden by ridding it of weeds and producing milk and you can sometimes enjoy their wool! So, why not keep goats in your backyard? Here are the main tips on the best way to make goat house farm; 

goat house farm

What goats should you choose to make goat house farm?

It is not easy to choose a breed of goats for breeding on their own land. There are already nearly 200 species. Among them, dwarf goats are undoubtedly the easiest to breed and the most resistant. Nigeria dwarf goats, dwarf goats or Kinder goats are breeds of dwarf goats that are considered the best domestic goats. 

If you have steep terrain, you can opt for alpine goats or if your surroundings are fairly wet, a Poitou goat would be ideal.

Depending on your goat motives, you can choose between a breed of dairy goats (Alpine, Lamancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Sable and Toggenburg), broiler goats (Boer, Kiko, Spanish, Savannah, Texmester, Genmaster and Moneymaker) or types bred for their wool (Angora, Kashmir, Bejora and Negura).

If you want to keep a goat house farm, it is better to choose females. Baili goats are often aggressive and emit a strong odor, which gets stronger with age.

Suitable habitat for goats

make goat house farm requires an enclosed coop to accommodate them. Be especially careful to install a very sturdy fence of at least 1.30 meters high because goats are known for their talent for escaping. They can jump and climb trees! To stay healthy, goats must have enough land to feed them, and go exercise. An area of ​​200 square meters is ideal for one goat.

It is then necessary to calculate the additional 100 square meters of land for each animal, which amounts to additionally. It is also advisable to provide a shelter for your goats so that they protect themselves from wind and rain and settle there. There will be suitable droppings made of sawdust, straw or hay.

Feeding goats properly

Goats are not picky, they eat everything. Herbs (blackberries, ivy, etc.), trees (berries, apple trees, etc.), flowers, vegetables, etc., nothing can resist them. Unlike sheep, goats prefer to feed on twigs, leaves, and twigs rather than grass on the ground. In addition to the food that she finds on her own in her enclosure, 

it is essential to supplement her diet every day with good quality hay. As a treat, you can give your goats apples, pears, bananas, carrots, celery or even spinach. On the other hand, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage can be toxic to goats.

Goats can drink up to ten liters of water per day. So remember to constantly supply him with fresh and clean water

Proper goat house farm Care

Goats have hooves that require regular care. If the goats are raised in a rocky area, their hooves should be trimmed, using pruning shears or a dedicated tool, once a year, but if they live in a meadow or in a wet area, this cutting should be done twice a year. Angora goats should also be cut at least once a year before the onset of hot weather.

Goats produce between 3 and 4 liters of milk per day. It should be milked once a day. And the need to protect the goats that are raised in the house from predators, which are stray dogs and, in some areas, eagles. Don't tie your goats to a pole, they won't be able to escape in the event of an attack.

goat health

Goats, especially if they live completely outdoors, must be protected from diseases and parasites such as lice and ticks. Tetanus vaccination and enterotoxemia (a disease caused by overfeeding), as well as deworming, are essential to maintaining the health of goats.
