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 Does Your Dog Shake?

Does Your Dog Shake?

Dogs are smart creatures. They instinctively know when to do certain things, while they pick up other traits from their mother at a young age.

But what about shaking? Why does your dog do that?

A shake after the bath

If you’ve ever given your puppy or dog a bath, you’ll know they shake at the first opportunity once they’ve got wet. There is one simple reason for this – it’s the best way to get the most water out of their fur. A dog has an instinct to shake when they’re wet. The water can make them feel cold, so getting rid of it means this won’t happen.

A shake after grooming

Some dogs need to be groomed quite often to keep their fur from getting tangled. While many dogs can grow to like being groomed, they will often give themselves a shake once the experience is over. It’s just their way of settling back down and getting back to themselves again.

A shake when playing

If you’ve ever watched your dog while it is playing with other dogs, you’ll probably have seen it give the odd shake every now and then. This happens in particular when they’ve been rough-and-tumbling around in the grass. Your dog will get up and give itself a shake simply to sort its fur out and get rid of any debris that may have gotten caught up in its coat.

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Shaking when poorly

Some conditions and illnesses can cause a dog to shake. Normally you can get an idea of whether there is anything to be concerned about when you see your dog shaking. For example, you know whether they’ve just had a bath or they’ve seen something that usually makes them nervous. If they start getting the shakes all the time for no apparent reason, you might want to consider asking your vet for advice.

Shaking when anxious

Many dogs have a habit of becoming anxious in certain situations. When this happens they will shake continually, trembling more than giving one or two quick shakes. If this is the case, watch out for a pattern that identifies whatever is making them nervous. In some cases, it will be obvious – fireworks or thunder, for example. You might also see them shaking when they are excited though, such as when you get home after being out for a few hours.

Learn to identify the signals your dog gives out

Every dog is different. While one dog might be terrified of thunderstorms, other dogs might enjoy watching the flashes and bangs out the window. Learning to understand your dog and read the signals they are giving off will provide an excellent way of knowing why your dog is shaking at any particular time.

Of course, if in doubt and you cannot seem to find a reason for it, it is always worth getting some professional advice from your vet. It is always better to be safe by asking for information.
