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Necessary Cat Supplies

Necessary Cat Supplies for Your New Cat

Now that you've cat-proofed your house and chosen your cat, you'll need to get cat supplies. While it may be cheapest to run to your local discount store and buy the plastic bowl on sale for 35 cents, it may not be the best choice. The bowl may cause a series of health problems for your cats. So while you may save a few dollars on that plastic bowl, you ended up with hundreds of dollars in veterinary bills. Don't skimp on quality when it comes to your cat supplies or food; if you do you could regret the decision later.

Below is a list of things you will need to get for your new cat. While this list thoroughly covers the essentials, other non-essential items, like cat clothes or Halloween costumes for cats, will create many memorable moments for you and your cat.

Food and water bowls: Some cats develop an allergy to plastics. If your cat is eating and/or drinking from plastic bowls and you notice an acne-like rash on your cat's chin, try switching to ceramic or stainless steel bowls.

Treats: A good way to reward your cat for good behavior. Treats can also be used to supplement your cat's diet.

High quality food: Designed for the age group of your cat: Speak with your veterinarian about what is an appropriate diet for your cat or kitten.

Litter box, Scoop, and Cat Litter: The selection of the right box and the right litter warrants some study and consideration on your part. Try to appeal to your cat's preferences...not necessarily your own.

Many cats seem to prefer the feel of a clumping litter that is non-scented but educates yourself on the options and experiment to see what your cat prefers. If the litter is non-scented you can always use an odor-eliminating spray. Some cats won't share their litter box and so you should provide each cat with their own box, and place them in locations that appeal to your cat's sense of privacy.

You should have one more litter box than you have cats. So if you have two cats, you should have three litter boxes around the house.

Grooming tools: Brush, flea comb, nail trimmer, toothbrush, cat shampoo, and finger-brush or gauze squares.

Scratching Post: This will keep your cat from tearing away at your furniture. For some cats, a simple wooden post will be just fine.

Flea control: Especially if your cat lives outside or is an indoor/outdoor cat and you live in an area where there are fleas. Flea control drops are long-lasting and the easiest way to flee-proof your cat.

A collar and identification tag: Even if your cat lives indoors only, it can still escape and become a stray. A collar and ID tags should be one of your first purchases. You may even consider having your cat microchipped.

A cat carrier: You will need a carrier for transportation to and from the vet and for moving time. For extended drives or trips by air/sea, purchase a carrier approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

A harness and leash: Your cat might enjoy going for walks. Or at least, if you choose to take your cat outside, he/she will be safe.

A bed and blanket: For those times when your cat doesn't want to sleep with you or on your furniture, it'd be nice for your cat to have a little place to call his own. This may be especially important for shorthair cats in colder environments.

Toys: Naturally, you provide quality toys and amusements for your child. The same should apply for your cat. Structured playtime is a great idea and will help with socialization and bonding...and it's just plain fun to watch your cat stalk and jump and chase.

A veterinarian: Check around for a recommended veterinarian in your area.

The Indoors/Outdoors Dilemma

No doubt about it, cats are safest indoors. An indoor cat can live 15 years or more, while the average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is only 3 to 5 years.

Cats that roam freely outdoors fall victim to fighting, pregnancy and infectious diseases. They bring home fleas, lice, ticks, and mites and may be killed or injured by cars, dogs, or other animals. Some cats get lost and starve to death. Others may become feral, living a life of fear in a constant struggle for survival.

Life indoors can be satisfying for cats if they are provided with a companion, toys, scratching posts, window shelves for sunbathing and surveying the outdoors, and loving attention from you, their owner. Some cats can even be trained to walk on a harness and leash so that you can provide them with outside exercise and fresh air.

If you choose to have your cat live outside, remember to provide some sort of protective cover that is easily accessible. A doghouse works perfectly in such situations. You may also want to install a pet door for an indoor/outdoor cat.

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